Welcome to the Colour Belt Exam Syllabus Page. You have a wealth of resources here to help you prepare for your exams

How to use this section:

1. click on the belt you are preparing for and view the syllabus online.

2. read the requirements for each technique

3. click on the videos to help you understand the techniques.

4. print the progress chart and take it with you to class to help track you progress.

This is your first Taekwondo exam so preparation is important.

Go through each technique and ensure you understand what is required from you.

Go to classes with questions and look out for the techniques you need to learn. Your instructors will be highlighting techniques for your grade.

They key to success is to repeatedly practise each technique till it becomes easy to execute.
This will be your second exam so you know how the process works. There will be a few new techniques introduced in this exam such as:

Kicks: Outer Crescent kick,

Hand Techniques: Outer Block and Front Back Fist.

Poomsae 2: (Taeguek Ye Jang) will also be required.

You will be expected to perform with more confidence then your first exam and have greater understanding of your techniques.
Techniques must be performed with greater confidence and accuracy. Here are a few new things to look out for:

Kicks required: Inner Crescent, Side Kick and Back Kick.

Kicking Combinations: With kicks you have learnt. Watch the videos for examples.

Hand Techniques: Knife Hand Strike, Side Back Fist

Poomsae 3: (Taeguek Sam Jang) will also be required.
Techniques must be performed with greater confidence and accuracy. Here are a few new things to look out for:

Kicks: 4-Directional Side Kick, Side Kick Board Breaking.

1 Step & 3 Step Sparring: 3 Hand Techniques, 3 Leg Techniques.

Poomsae 4: (Taeguek Sah Jang) will also be required.